Friday, October 22, 2010

Reflection 10/22 - A Blog About the Onion,18309/

This is one of the blogs I am following, it is The Onion, a notorious comedy newspaper. i love The Onion's humor and enjoy every one of the articles they produce. This specific one is about Tony Romo and a stuffed animal. The mood is very serious but the subject matter is very funny. Just the article titles are usually enough to make me laugh hard enough to make my day.

Friday, October 15, 2010

My thoughts on the Class

This recent week has made me very confused. I feel like I am lost. A lot of time I have no idea what I am doing with a lab. I get the labs done with the assistance of my friends, but I feel like I am falling behind. I am going to go to tutoring during lunch soon to catch up. I definitely do not want to remain like this, because I could fall even further behind! I think I did not pay enough attention to the lectures. I definitely am behind, and I need to change that immediately.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What I have learned from the blogs I am following

One of the blogs I am following is the Mobility tech blog. I learned that web servers could be hosted from a mobile phone or device. Not on 15, or even 10 years, but now! These are called "Servlets" and they are powered by Java 3.0. I think this is going to change a lot in ways of server hosting. Hosting internet servers in such a small card in a mobile device is a huge difference to how they were un previous years.

See the whole article here:

My thoughts on CSAP so far October 7, 2010

All of the labs so far have been really fun, but now they are getting very challenging. I am racing to keep up with all of the programming terms. I am learning very quickly, but I feel always behind. The class gets more interesting every day, and I learn a lot, but I think I learn the most when Mr. Stevens uses LAN School to teach. I see the lesson up close.
Also, blog spot pulled a tricky move on me in my last post. There is a button that when checked types your words in Hindi. I don't know what the purpose of this is, but it was very embarrassing and I apologize for any confusion.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

माय थौघ्ट्स ओं कसप सो फार: अक्टूबर ५, 2010

कंप्यूटर क्लास हस बीन वैरी चल्लेंगिंग फॉर में रेसन्त्ली थिंक ठाट थिस इस बेकाउसे ऑफ़ थे सो ऑफ़ थे हगे अमौंत ऑफ़ लब्स वे हद तो दो लास्ट क्लास। इ हद त्रौब्ले कीपिंग उप विथ थे वोर्क्लोअद, एंड एंडेड उप नोट एवें फिनिशिंग थे लास्ट लैब। इ थिंक वहत वे अरे दोंग विथ जावा इस रेअल्ली कूल, बुत इ थिंक इ ऍम अ लित्तले लेफ्ट इन थे दुस्त बी थे मेथोड्स वे हवे बीन उसिंग रेसन्त्ली। इ थिंक ठाट इ कैन दो बेत्टर इफ वे गो ओवर थे इन्फ़ोर्मतिओन इन थे लब्स इन क्लास। इ क्नोव वे अल्रेअद्य दो, बुत वे गो थ्रौघ आईटी किंद ऑफ़ फास्ट। ओथेर थान ठाट, इ ऍम हविंग अन अवेसोमे टाइम इन थे क्लास। थे ब्लोग्स अरे रेअल्ली फूं, एवें थौघ रेसन्त्ली ब्लॉगर हस बीन बुग्गी सोमेतिमेस। कैन'टी वेट फॉर अनोठेर फेव ६ वीक्स ऑफ़ क्लास!