Thursday, February 16, 2012

Here's a plot preview for our latest "Run N' Gun" 2D game from DGAF, On The Hunt.

Ferozhead: On The Hunt

Plot planning

Chief Idea (Frank)

Scene 1: Not gameplay, introductory sequence.

Feroz and Farhan camping out, talking about what they want to be when they get older. Feroz
says he could be a security guard as he has experience with firearms and doesn’t afraid of anything.
Farhan states that he would join the Peace Corps because he thinks that what the world needs is more
people to be nice. He then goes on to say that he believes all people are good and that world peace isn’t
so far away. Suddenly Nigerian Robobandits ride in on Cyberhorses and nab Farhan. Farhan is
screaming “Feroz!!! Help!!” but Feroz is not fast enough to catch up, as Cyberhorses run at 150 mph.
Feroz, panting, notices a Monkey Gun (the beginning gun, low damage, low firerate) and picks it up. His
eyes fill with rage as he runs out to take back his beloved brother.

Scene 2: Gameplay begins, mechanics are introduced (swapping weapons for ones on the ground,
shooting, jumping)

Feroz runs through a jungle, shooting any in his path. This includes various robotic jungle-life,
such as Lazer Birds and a giant Mechanical Metacentipede (boss of this level). Indestructible mines are
places systematically throughout the entire level, and the player will have to learn to jump over mines or
else lose one of their 4 hearts.

Scene 3: The Mechanical Metacentipede Fight

MMC throws out mines that disappear after 3 seconds, so the player will have to move from
platform to platform to adapt to the situation. The MMC will also choose one level of the three levels of
platform and charge for a few seconds before blasting it with a laser, a one-hit KO on anyone slow
enough to stay on the platform. After firing the laser for a few seconds, the MMC will be vulnerable at
its mouth, which will be flashing red. When the player is able to get its health to 0 by shooting this red
spot, the boss will die, but not before puking up a Rusty Missile Launcher. This works as a secondary
weapon which has much more power than any guns available at the level, but has a 5-second interval
between being able to fire shots and you have limited ammo, which caps at a very low number (7 until
later unlocks are found). After this level the game will save and scroll to the right, revealing a desert past
the end of the trees.

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