Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Post 3: 9/26/10 - Sharing some of the blogs

One of the blogs I am following, "Stepcase Lifehack", is a blog that shares helpful tips about managing everyday life. The article that caught my eye was "10 Tips to Have Your Most Productive Day". It was a list of small changes you could make to your work environment to make yourself more productive. I tried one of the suggestions, "Have a conducive workdesk". I cleaned up my desk, trashed a lot of clutter and junk I did not need, and generally organized. Now there is much, much less stuff on my desk, and I know exactly where anything is when I need it. I am no longer distracted by the wreckage that used to crowd my desk, and instead work feeling liberated from all of the trash that used to confine my workspace.

Blog Post 2: 9/26/10 - How I am doing in CSAP

Computer science was very hard for me towards the beginning few weeks. I have little programming experience, and the course was designed for people with at least a few lines of code under their belt. I have picked up java pretty fast though. It is a great experience to be working with it and really fun to see the results. I enjoy knowing which lines of code do what and drawing pictures has been really fun for me.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Post 1: 9/19/10 - My Thoughts on CSAP so Far

I've only been in Computer Science AP for a few weeks now. With these few weeks, my programming knowledge and experience has increased exponentially. My programming knowledge before entering the class was really nonexistent. Now I can identify classes, use methods effectively, and have the code print out whatever i need it to say. I think the online quizzes have been dramatically better than the paper-wasting quizzes of the past, the activities challenging but doable, and the information I am learning interesting. I love that every day in Computer Science, I am learning something even better to do with the code than I did the day before. I am enjoying the class very much because although challenging, I am eager to learn the subject matter. My favorite thing so far is the "Smiley Face" lab. Getting to finally design graphics is very exciting. I can't wait to do even cooler things with Java or other programming languages we use.