Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog Post 9/26/11

This week, I worked pretty hard on the boss code. The boss is just a regular enemy with a huge gun sticking out of its mouth. It stays at the top of the screen and goes from left to right to dodge the player's bullets. Gavriel wrote some code to make the boss shoot a huge laser that does a large percentage of the player's health if it touches them.

I did a pretty good job of accomplishing my goals this week. I think I will be pretty ready to present come presentation day.

This week I want to help Douglas on his music visualizer. I also want to learn more about Freed's particle effects. I think it'd be cool to work on the health code too. We should be polishing up the game soon, and have it ready to go by the end of next week at the latest.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog Post 9.18.11

This week in computer science I accomplished my goals of working on the power-up code. It took me a lot of work, and in the end my biggest mistake was not actually referencing the method I had made in the Update() method. That is to say, the code never actually ran. After Gavriel helped me out and agreed that the code was solid, I was still convinced I had done something wrong. I finally figured it out, and the process was completed.

The code ended up being replaced by a bigger random power up that changed the level completely. I still am pushing for a more slight, common power-up that boosts your speed at least. For now the collision is still based on spinning rectangles, which I would help to fix if I could.

This week I want to help Gavriel and Douglas with the new 3-D stuff and also learn more about the particle effects that Freed is working on. I think he has that mostly covered, so maybe I could look for more of a design aspect to work on.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blog Post: 9/8/11

This week I was working a lot on the Reimer's XNA tutorials -- that is, until it got blocked by AISD. I spent enough time with the tutorial that I was proficient with the language. I worked with some other tutorials as well.

This week, for our FerozHead project, I worked on the method that deleted the bullet and the opponent it collided with. I started working on a Power-Up class and implementing it to our code, but because I was sick, I only was able to go to class for one day of the week.

Next week, I want to finish up the Power-Up code and start working on different kinds of Power-Ups, or maybe a way to change levels that is more smooth than what we have now. Also, I want to help Doug reformat our code to be neater. Right now most of it is in one big class.

Til Next Week,

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blog Post 9.1.11

This year, I am going to use my class time to develop my C# skills by making a game with my cohorts Alex Freed, Douglas Cheong, and Gavriel. While Doug and Gavriel definitely have superior coding prowess as compared to mine, I will endeavor to make my skills as polished as theirs.
My area of expertise is design. I intend to use this class as an opportunity not only to work on my XNA skills but also as experience designing for a game. Our planned levels include an 8-bit level, a zombie level, and others that will give me unique coding and design experience. When I go to college, I probably won't major in Computer Science. I think it's interesting, but I find I pick up design and understand it much more easily. I do of course intend to accomplish goals such as increasing my syntax knowledge and learning a lot about how graphics engines work for games and write a lot of my own code, but also my goal is to work on my skills as an artist and gain skill that will be useful to me in my future.